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Der Artikel SUITE Buch - The Official Downton Abbey Cocktail Book wurde zum Warenkorb hinzugefügt.

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  • SUITE | Buch - The Official Downton Abbey Cocktail Book | schwarz
  • SUITE | Buch - The Official Downton Abbey Cocktail Book | schwarz
  • SUITE | Buch - The Official Downton Abbey Cocktail Book | schwarz
  • SUITE | Buch - The Official Downton Abbey Cocktail Book | schwarz
  • SUITE | Buch - The Official Downton Abbey Cocktail Book | schwarz
  • SUITE | Buch - The Official Downton Abbey Cocktail Book | schwarz
  • SUITE | Buch - The Official Downton Abbey Cocktail Book | schwarz
  • SUITE | Buch - The Official Downton Abbey Cocktail Book | schwarz

SUITE Buch - The Official Downton Abbey Cocktail Book

2024-06-04 16:11:08 20,95
inkl. Mwst zzgl. Versandkosten
2900270208534 QU1001
UVP 20,95 mit Ihrem Gutschein
inkl. Mwst zzgl. Versandkosten
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Farbe: Schwarz
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Cocktails were introduced in the drawing rooms of Downton Abbey in the 1920s, when US prohibition inspired the insurgence and popularity of American-style bars and bartenders in Britain. This well-curated selection of recipes is organized by the rooms in the Abbey in which the drinks were served and spans everyday sips to party drinks plus hangover helpers and more. In addition to classic concoctions like a Mint Julep, Prince of Wales Punch, and Ginger Beer, this collection features character-specific variations such as Downton Heir, Turkish Attaché, The Valet, and The Chauffeur. The recipes reflect drinks concocted and served upstairs and down, as well as libations from village fairs, cocktail parties, and restaurant menus typical of the time. Features 40+ color photographs, including drink images photographed on the set of Downton Abbey. 

Seiten: 160
Sprache: Englisch

Art.Nr: 2900270208534

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